On the day


Doors will open at 12pm and the festival finishes at 10.30pm. Last entry is at 7.00pm.

Entry and wristbands

Tickets will be exchanged for on arrival at the festival entrance. Entrance to the festival grounds for everyone, including under 13s, is only possible with a valid ticket. There will be no admission without a valid ticket nor will re-admission once you have entered the festival grounds.

Photo ID can and may be requested at entry so please be prepared for this. We will accept a photo driving license, passport or PASS. Photocopies will be allowed in conjunction with a valid bank card bearing the holder’s name, but photocopies alone will not be accepted as proof of age.

You may be searched at the entrance or at any time while you’re in the grounds. Please comply with this request as it will only be made to ensure your safety and/or that of others. Rights of admission are reserved by the festival.

VIP tickets will be exchanged wristbands. Please keep your wristband on at all times. Wristbands removed from the wrist or tampered with will be rendered invalid and cannot be replaced.


When announced, the artists will be listed on our line-up page here in reverse order of appearance (headliners first and opening act last). The first acts will perform soon after the gates open. Main stage headliners are the last acts of the day and will be onstage at around 9pm.

Full performance times will be on display throughout the festival site and will also appear in the festival programme.

Please note that as this is a live music event the sound levels come with a risk of damage to hearing. Please bring ear defenders with you.

Strobe lighting may be used without warning so please be mindful if you or anyone you are responsible for has a medical condition that can be aggravated by this.

Finally, please be aware that artists and billed attractions may be subject to change.

Disabled Access

We welcome disabled guests. We try our best to make the festival accessible and a great experience for anyone who wishes to join us. Please contact events@zimfestlive.com as far in advance as possible to discuss your needs, or those of someone you care for. However, please be aware that in places there is uneven ground and tree roots on the paths, so take extra care.

Seating and Well-Being

Please feel free blankets to make your festival experience as comfortable as possible. There will be volunteers, stewards and signs to help you find suitable seating areas.

Do bring warm clothing for the night, as well as a hat and sun cream in case of warm weather, especially for young children.

Toilets will be available in various locations across the festival site.

Official merchandise including programs with stage schedules and a map of the site will be available to buy at the festival.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email events@zimfestlive.com


Anti-social or criminal behaviour will not be tolerated, and anyone who is threatening or violent will be escorted from the festival site. Legal action will be taken as appropriate.

Any items we consider to be used in an illegal or offensive manner will be confiscated.

No smoking will be permitted within enclosed areas.

Please respect the countryside and nature and dispose of all litter using the facilities provided. Take everything you bring to the festival away with you at the end of the day.

Please respect our neighbours by entering and leaving the festival site as quietly and quickly as possible.

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