Terms & Conditions
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Below you will find the Terms and Conditions for ZimfestLive.
Please take time to read through all sections and contact usshould you have any questions at events@zimfestlive.com.Alternatively, you can contact us via post at Zimfest Live Three Gables, 9 Corner Hall, Hemel Hempstead, England, HP3 9HN
1. When used in these Conditions, the following capitalisedterms shall have the following meanings:
“Arena” means the area(s) within theVenue where Event performances will take place;
“Authorised Person(s)” means any member of Eventmanagement, Venue management, Police, public bodies and agencies responsiblefor safety and security in connection with the Event or the Venue, and theirrespective staff, officials, representatives, officers and volunteers;
“Conditions” means these terms andconditions together with any amendments or updates to them which are issued byus or on our behalf from time to time;
“Event” means Zimfest Live;
“Site Rules” means all rules which apply at theVenue in addition to these Conditions which are either communicated by us or onour behalf in writing, online or otherwise in advance of the Event or displayedat the Venue;
“Ticket” means any valid ticket (whether a hardcopy ticket or an e-ticket or a wristband for which such ticket is exchangedand including a Discounted Non-Refundable Ticket unless otherwise stated inthese Conditions) which permits the Ticket Holder to attend the Event at theVenue on the basis of the details set out on the Ticket and, park or enjoycertain activities or upgrades at the Venue and which is subject to theseConditions;
“Ticket Holder” or “you” meansany person possessing or using a Ticket to gain entry to the Event, including(without limitation) the Ticket Purchaser or any person to whom the Ticket wasvalidly issued or transferred.
“Ticket Purchaser” means the individual who haspurchased Ticket(s);
“Venue” means the site at which the Event takesplace, which at the date of these Conditions is intended to be HertfordshireShowground Saint Albans AL3 7PT
including all adjacent and surrounding areas used orcontrolled by us in connection with staging of the Event, including withoutlimitation any car park; and
“We” means Zimfest Live.
Status of these Terms and Conditions
2. All Tickets are sold, and entry to and attendance at theEvent is, subject to these Conditions, any Site Rules), the conditions of saleof the authorised ticket agent where you purchased your Tickets (together the “Regulations”).
3. Zimfest Live reserves the right to add, withdraw orsubstitute artists, and to vary the advertised programme and timings with noobligation to refund tickets.
4. In the case of any conflict or ambiguity between theseConditions and the Site Rules or conditions of our authorised ticket agents,these Conditions will prevail.
5a. Any person who purchases, possesses, uses or attempts touse any Ticket to gain entry to the Event shall be deemed to have accepted andagreed to comply with the Regulations.
5b. These Conditions may change from time to time withoutnotice and in our sole discretion. We will post any changes to the Conditionson www.zimfestlive.com. We shallnotify Ticket Purchasers of such changes by email if they materially affectTicket Purchasers’ rights as a consumer.
5c. Zimfest Live reserves the right to implement anyrestrictions, conditions or cancellations deemed necessary and reasonablebefore or after the festival to ensure the safe management of the event.
5d. We are unable to upgrade/downgrade tickets under anycircumstances.
Ticket Purchase and Delivery
6. Only Tickets purchased from our authorised ticket agents/sales channels are valid and will allow admission to the Event. Tickets boughtfrom street traders/touts or unauthorised agents will be void and may be seizedor cancelled without refund or compensation. Our primary authorised ticketagents are Redbox. If you are in doubt, please contact us in advance beforebuying a ticket at events@zimfestlive.com.The only official Tickets for sale on the day of the Event will be available atthe Venue box office.
7. You must be 18 years old or more to purchase our Ticketsand able to enter into legally binding contracts.
8. Tickets may be limited to a maximum number per person,per payment card and/or per household as stated by our authorised ticket agentsand/or on our website prior to bookings being made. We reserve the right tocancel any Tickets purchased in excess of this number without prior notice.
9. Any Ticket booking which we or our authorised ticketagents reasonably believe has been made with a view to resell or fraudulently(e.g. through credit card fraud) may be cancelled by either of us.
10. Tickets are final and non-refundable except as outlinedin these Conditions.
11. Any Ticket or wristband that has been lost, stolen,forgotten, damaged, altered, defaced or forged or has any part removed or isunreadable might not be accepted by us. If duplicate Tickets are issued, anadministration fee may be charged. You must keep your Ticket safe
12. Price and availability information for Tickets(including without limitation, add-ons such as parking and upgrades) is subjectto change without notice.
13. Tickets may be issued in hard copy or via email ase-tickets to the billing address or email address provided when the booking wasmade.
14. If Tickets have not been received 7 days before theEvent, please contact the relevant ticket agent quoting your booking reference.Details for Redbox can be found at www.redboxtickets.net. If there is not time to deliver hard copy Tickets we may issue e-Tickets orask the Ticket Purchaser to collect them from the Venue box office (proof ofID, booking payment card and booking confirmation will be required – yourticket agent will advise you of arrangements).
15. Please check your Tickets and booking confirmationcarefully as mistakes cannot always be rectified. We cannot accept anyliability if your ticket agent is not notified of any inaccuracy within 5 daysof purchase or within 14 days prior to the Event.
Ticket Use and Prohibition on Transfer
16. Tickets are personal revocable licences and at all timesthey and the copyright in them remain our property and subject to theseConditions.
17. Tickets are strictly non-exchangable andnon-transferable and must not be (i) sold, transferred or offered to someoneelse other than under paragraph 18 below, (ii) used or advertised for anycommercial or promotional purposes (e.g. competition prizes; in hospitality,travel, accommodation packages) without our written approval. Any breach ofpotential breach of this Condition will result in Tickets being cancelledwithout refund and the you being refused entry to, or ejected from, the Venue.
18. A Ticket Purchaser may transfer Tickets bought on behalfof other people in their party who are known to them personally and will beattending the Event with them to those people but must not sell the Tickets fora profit. These Conditions which will deemed binding on all Ticket Holders inthe party as if each person was the Ticket Purchaser. Anyone who is not aTicket Purchase cannot transfer their Ticket and will not be entitled to Ticketrefunds which can only be made to the Ticket Purchaser.
19. Any Ticket sold, transferred or offered in breach ofparagraphs 17 or 18 may be cancelled and any person seeking to use the Ticketmay be refused admission to or be evicted from the Venue without refund orcompensation and may also be liable to legal action, even if they did not haveprior notice of these Conditions or the breach of them.
Refunds and Cancellation
20. We may alter or vary the published Event programme whichmay result in changes to the performance line-up, billed attractions, playingtimes, start and finish times of the Event, facilities or locations offacilities, or any other aspect of the Event (including without limitation, theVenue). Neither we nor our authorised ticket agents will be liable to theTicket Holder or any other person for any refunds or other costs, expenses orother losses resulting from such alteration, unless it is a Material alterationwhich gives a right to a refund.
A “Material” alteration is a change which in our reasonableopinion makes the Event materially different to the Event which TicketPurchasers, taken generally, could reasonably expect. The following are not“Material” alterations: changes to the line-up or any advertised attractions;changes to performance times; changes to individual band members; adverseweather conditions; shortening of the Event when the majority of it isperformed in full; delays or changes to start times of the Event or aperformance; a change of Venue to another location within a reasonable radius(in our discretion) of the Venue; adverse weather conditions; changes toadvertised facilities.
21. Where the Event is rescheduled to another date, theTicket Holder will not be entitled to a refund. The existing Ticket will bevalid for the rescheduled Event.
22. All refunds shall be for:-
- the proportionate amount of the face value of the Tickets purchased only (i.e. the specified Ticket price including any bolt-on purchases such as accommodation, upgrades, or parking including VAT) but excluding any fees or charges paid in addition to the face value of the Ticket (for example, any booking fees, transaction fees or postage or courier charges in addition to the face value);
in each case, except where required by applicable law.
23. A Ticket will not be exchanged or refunded if it is usedfor entry into the Venue.
24. Ticket refunds shall be processed either by us (if youbought tickets directly from us) or by your authorised ticket agent. Either weor the relevant ticket agent will provide details of the refund process anddeadlines for making a claim either through our websites, social media, themedia or directly. Any failure to follow the process and comply with thedeadlines or any breach of these Conditions may result in the refund not beingmade.
25. As soon as reasonably possible after we become aware ofpostponement, cancellation or Material alteration of the Event, all availableinformation will be posted on www.zimfestlive.com orour social media channels but it is your responsibility to check whether theEvent has been postponed, or cancelled or of any Material alteration and anynew dates, times, and Venue. Please be aware, circumstances giving rise tocancellation, postponement or Material alterations can arise immediately priorto the Event.
26. Promotions, deals or discounted offers are provided atour discretion. All such offers are subject to availability and may bewithdrawn by us at any time. Retrospective refunds are not permitted againstany offer or promotion advertised after a booking is made.
Age Restrictions
27. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by anadult aged 21 or over – proof of identity and age must be provided on request(passport, driving licence or PASS cards accepted). A maximum of two Teens(13-15 year olds) or Young Adults (16-17 year olds) will be allowed entry per 1accompanying adult aged 21 or over, with the contact details of theaccompanying adult required at the time of booking.
28. You need to be over 18 years old to purchase alcohol atthe Event. We operate Challenge 25 on our bars. If you are asked to provideproof of age (passport, driving licence or PASS card) and you are unable to doso you will not be served alcohol. Please note, the Challenge 25 processoverrides your festival wristband as proof of age.
29. It is the responsibility of the supervisors of a childto determine whether an Event is suitable for that child to attend and neitherwe, our ticket agents nor the Venue will be liable for any content deemedunsuitable.
Specific access requirements
30. We take the needs of Ticket Holders who have adisability or who have other access requirements very seriously and activelyencourage people of all abilities to attend the Event. If you have accessrequirements for the Event please register your requirements through: events@zimfestlive.com
Entry Requirements
43. The following are required to gain admission to theEvent (on first entry or re-admission):-
- a valid Ticket. One Ticket will be required for each person, regardless of age.
- if requested by us and/or any Authorised Representative:-
- photographic proof of identity and age (passport, driving licence or PASS cards accepted)
- for health and safety purposes and the removal of Prohibited Items, body/vehicle/possession searches. Any refusal by the Ticket Holder to allow such searches will result in refusal of admission to or eviction from the Venue without refund or compensation
31. All rights of admission are reserved.
32. There is no right of re-entry for Day Ticket Holders.
33. Your Ticket may be cancelled and you may be refusedadmission to or ejected from the Venue and/or Arena without refund orcompensation if during the Event (whether in the Venue or its vicinity) you:
(a) in our reasonable opinion, are under the influence ofalcohol, narcotics or any behaviour-modifying substance;
(b) possess or use any prohibited item including, withoutlimitation; sky lanterns; candles; paraffin lamps, sound systems, generators,glass bottles, drones, laser pens, unofficial high vis jackets, weapons, oranything that could be used as a weapon; any item that an Authorised Personconsiders dangerous, hazardous and/or illegal or that may be used as a weaponor a missile or that may compromise or otherwise interfere with the enjoyment,comfort or safety of (or pose a hazard to) any person or security at the Event;illegal substances, “legal” highs, herbal highs, research chemicals, NPS,poppers, nitrous oxide also known as ‘laughing gas’ or associatedparaphernalia; fireworks and pyrotechnics; flares; materials for campfires orfire bowls; air horns, smoke bombs and any items an Authorised Person considerspotentially disruptive to the event; signs, items or materials displayingunauthorised political, religious, offensive or race related messages, slogansor images or, without our prior written consent, sponsorship, promotional orcommercial messages; animals, except for dogs registered on arrival at thefestival; unauthorised promotional material; tripods, video camera equipment,professional camera kit; briefcase camping stoves with aerosol gas canisters;any cooking equipment with gas canisters above 3.9kg;
c) are a Ticket Holder and you bring or attempt to bringfood or drink into the Venue other than small snacks (which will be assessed inour absolute discretion and food may be confiscated) or any food or drink whichmay be exempt on medical grounds of for young families (please contact us inadvance if you have any queries). You may bring refillable water bottles whichmust be empty on arrival and water stations are available throughout the Event.Ticket Holders must not bring any alcohol into the Venue. Compulsory VenueEntrance checks are carried out by security;
d) engage in any marketing or advertising activities, orconduct any trading activity (including, without limitation, offering, sellingor possession of items with intent to sell such as, but not limited to, drinks,food, souvenirs, clothes, programmes), in each case without our prior writtenauthorisation (and any such items may be removed, confiscated and/or destroyedwithout compensation at our discretion and/or the discretion of any AuthorisedPerson);
e) engage in, or in any Authorised Person’s opinion arelikely to engage in, disruptive, dangerous or violent behaviour or in a waycontrary to public order and/or safety including (without limitation) “missile”throwing; violence; provocative, threatening, discriminatory and/or offensivebehaviour; posing a health and safety risk to yourself or others (including,without limitation, through the malicious transmission of Covid-19), or harmany other person(s) in any way or unreasonably obstruct the viewing of otherspectators;
f) enter any prohibited areas; climb lighting masts, fences,roofs and other apparatus or constructions;
g) damage, interfere with or tamper with any property of anythird party;
h) smoke in any prohibited area; we retain the right to bansmoking within the Venue when advised to do so by an Authorised Person for thesafety of the event.
i) are suspected of committing or likely to commit acriminal offence; and/or, fail to comply with instructions from us and/or anyAuthorised Person, or refuse a security search.
34. There is no entry to the Event before designated andadvertised opening times on any day of the Event. These will be advertised onour website closer to the date of the Event. You may be required to queueso please arrive early to avoid disappointment.
The Event
35. The Event may be subject to licence from time to time.
36. Warning – Prolonged exposure to loudnoise may cause damage to your hearing. Please be aware that strobe lighting,pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines and other special effects may be usedduring the Event. We strongly recommend all minors wear ear defenders and allattendees take any precautions they deem necessary.
37. Access to each stage/area within the Venue is subject tocapacity and we accept no liability and will not offer any Ticket refunds if aTicket Holder is unable to attend a specific performance listed on the line-up.
38. We cannot guarantee an uninterrupted and/or uninhibitedview of any performance, nor is any representation or warranty given as to thequality, content or duration of the Event.
39a. If before or during the Event you have a complaint,please contact us or a steward promptly since complaints are very difficult todeal with after the Event.
40b. The festival operates on a green field site so pleasebe aware of ground conditions.
41. Valid Tickets will be exchanged for wristbands on entryinto the Venue. Wristbands cannot be issued in advance and are only issueddirectly to the Ticket Holder on production of photographic ID (drivinglicence, passport or PASS card accepted). You cannot collect wristbands onbehalf of other people. Wristbands will not be reissued or replaced regardlessof whether you still have your Ticket so please keep them safe.
42. You must wear your wristband at all times whilst at theVenue during the Event. Failure to show that you are wearing a wristband to anAuthorised Person on request may result in your immediate eviction from theEvent without refund or compensation.
Media and Recordings
43. Unauthorised photography, video or any recording of theEvent (including but not limited to artists’ performances), or use of any suchimages or recordings for professional purposes or commercial gain is strictlyforbidden. Professional recording or transmitting equipment, unauthorisedphotos, recordings, tapes, films or similar items are not permitted and may beconfiscated and/or destroyed by us.
44. All Ticket Holders give your express consent to youractual/simulated likeness and voice recorded at the Event (in photographs, filmor sound recording) to be included for no fee within any audio or visualrecording to be used in any media worldwide for any purpose at any time. Youcontinuously waive any moral rights in any such recordings and agree we shallbe the sole owner of the copyright and any other intellectual property rightsin all such recordings. If you attend the Event with a child under 16 you givethe foregoing express consent on their behalf.
45a. CCTV may be in operation across the site. Images arerecorded for the prevention of crime and disorder. If requested, images will bepassed directly to the Police.
46b. Zimfest Live reserves the right to use these assets formarketing purposes indefinitely.
47c. All information and products relating to Zimfest Livemarketed on its website are subject to license.
Data protection
48. Each Ticket Holder’s personal information (as providedby the relevant Ticket Purchaser) may be used for the purpose of theimplementation of these Conditions and for the purposes set out in our privacypolicy subject to applicable law, including for administration andcommunication in connection with the Event and processing of the order forgoods and services booked. All such personal data (including, but not limitedto a Ticket Holder’s voice, image and likeness recorded referred to inparagraph 53 above) will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy. Wemay share relevant information with third parties as may be generally andreasonably necessary for the proper and efficient staging of the Event.
49. You are responsible for your own personal propertybrought to the Venue including without limitation, vehicles and any propertyleft in vehicles.
50. All Ticket Holders will indemnify us against the fullvalue of any loss or damage to the Venue howsoever caused by their acts oromissions.
51. Nothing in these Conditions seeks to exclude ourliability or that of the owner of the Venue or any Authorised Person for deathor personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud or other type of liabilitywhich cannot be excluded or limited by law.
52. Subject to paragraph 60 above, neither we nor ourauthorised ticket agents, the Venue owner, or any Authorised Person shall beresponsible to the Ticket Holder for any:-
- indirect losses or damages including, but not limited to, loss of enjoyment, goodwill and/or travel (including, but not limited to, travel to or from accommodation purchased from us and/or any travel delays), sustenance or accommodation expenses. Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to attendance at the Event which have not been purchased from us are at the Ticket Holder’s own risk;
- claims for the injury to persons or loss or damage to property howsoever caused unless such injury or damage was caused by negligence on our part or that of the above listed persons;
- loss, theft, damage or breakage of your personal property while entering, exiting or within the Venue (including, without limitation, Event Car Parks, Arena or otherwise) and in any weather conditions
- losses, damages, costs or expenses which arise as a result of any cause beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation, an act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, epidemic, pandemic, fire, explosion, flood, royal mourning, national mourning, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, weather, third party injunction, national defense requirements and/or acts or regulations of national or local governments, epidemic or pandemic or the threat of any of the aforementioned, unless otherwise stated in these Conditions;
53. Subject to paragraph 61 above, we shall not have anyliability to a Ticket Holder beyond (i) the proportionate amount of the facevalue of the Tickets purchased only (i.e. the specified Ticket price includingany bolt-on purchases such as, upgrades, or parking including VAT) butexcluding any fees or charges paid in addition to the face value of the Ticket(for example, any booking fees, transaction fees or postage or courier chargesin addition to the face value. No interest or costs will be payable inrespect of any monies refunded.
54. Any part of these Conditions declared void, ineffective or unenforceable by any competent court in any jurisdiction, shall be severed to the extent necessary and the remainder of these Conditions will remain in effect.
55. Any breach of any these Conditions may result in the cancellation of the Ticket, the refusal of admission to the Ticket Holder to the Venue, or their eviction from the Venue, in each case without refund or compensation in addition to any other remedy that we may have, even if theTicket Holder did not have prior notice of the Condition or the breach. Nofailure or delay by us to exercise any right (in whole or in part) under theseConditions shall constitute a waiver of that right, nor restrict any further exercise of that right.
56. These Conditions form the entire agreement between the parties and no party shall have any claim or remedy in respect of any statement, representation, warranty or undertaking, made by or on behalf of any other party in relation to these Conditions which is not already set out in these Conditions. Any variation must be agreed in writing.
57. Any person (other than us and our authorised ticket agents, the owner of the Venue or any Authorised Person) not party to theseConditions shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)Act 1999.
58. These Conditions will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with English law. Any dispute arising from or in connection with these Conditions or a Ticket Holder’s attendance at the Event will besubmitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
59. To the fullest extent permissible in law, we shall been titled to assign all and any of our rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions, provided that your rights are not adversely affected.
60. Only customers holding a valid Parking ticket will be permitted to use the parking facilities.
61. Parking tickets can be purchased online from https://www.zimfestlive.com/tickets.Youwill be sent an e-ticket in advance to display in your vehicle on entry or it will be exchanged on arrival for a parking display badge you must display clearly. Passes are non-transferable and non-refundable.
62, You can purchase parking tickets on the day (subject to availability and an increase in price), but we strongly recommend buying tickets online in advance due to limited availability.
63. Parking ticket holders are entitled to one car parking space per Car Parking pass purchased.
64. No camping is permitted in the car parks and no sleeping in vehicles.
65. Speed limits on trackway leading to car parks and within the car park are to be strictly adhered to.